Work programme and benefits
All activities under the responsibility of competent authorities are possible with work focused on the interpretation of the regulatory requirements and implementation of regulatory oversight / intervention, including:
- Exchange of information:
- Review of State variations;
- Issues and initiatives in European countries;
- Package design assessment issues.
- Development of relevant and good practice guidance for example:
- Structure and content of Package Design safety Reports;
- Radiation Protection programme (reduction of doses);
- Packages not requiring competent authority approval;
- Compliance inspection programmes for Competent Authorities
- Development of joint action plans (future intention):
- Joint audits / compliance inspections of dutyholders;
- Exchange of staff for training.
- Discuss changes to the transport regulations (IAEA, European)
- Development of a website for public access.
As an example of topics discussed, during the last meeting in Madrid in May 2011, the issues arising from the monitoring, for radioactive contamination, of goods imported from Japan was discussed. Members of the EACA agreed that a communique would be helpful to convey the views of the EACA membership to the European Commission regarding what can be learned from this experience and how this can inform the development of future improvements.
The benefits of the Association are for:
Competent Authorities
- improve networking and promotion of common understanding at a working level;
- identify and promote good and appropriate practices;
- improve consistency of approach;
- identify who does what in the field of regulatory oversight;
- provides clarity of the levels of compliance by understanding the assessment processes in each of the membership countries.
- more consistent regulatory process;
- reduced delays at regulator / industry interfaces;
- reduced number of denial of shipments.
Wider community
- contributes to a basis of confidence that the transport of radioactive material is, and will, continue to be safe;
- demonstrates that the trans-frontier transport of radioactive material is in part, being managed by European countries in a trans-frontier forum, which targets compliance and the practical issues relating to regulatory oversight and intervention.